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DG India- Top 20 Ports

  • Digital Map Image
    Newly published, and exclusive to Business Maps Australia, this detailed political map of India has been researched and modified to display the Top 25 Coastal ports of the nation, and to display the key commodities imported through these ports.
    The ports are highlighted in Red, and listed in the legend at the bottom, in order from East to West around the country.  Each port has its key imports then listed alongside it.
    This map is Ideal for any company trading with India, investing in business or Infrastructure, or for people who want to better understand one of Australia's important trading partners.


    This map can now be purchased as a Medium Resolution Digital PDF file, for use under license in your company IT system, providing all the members of the team with both identical and updated data on the relevant industry. 

    The Imagery License entitles the purchaser to install the imagery on each computer in the company, for research, marketing and operational functions.   This license specifically prohibits the purchaser from reproducing the image in a hardcopy format, and providing the imagery and data to any third party.

    Please fell free to call us on +61455 296 533, or email  info@businessmaps.com.au  with any queries or orders.


    India Custom map of main ports
    Move your mouse over image or click to enlarge

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