The East Asia / West Pacific region has undergone significant population and commercial growth and development over the past 15 years. Among the many challenges of this continued development is the issue of energy production, coupled with the growing issue of Climate Change and industrial pollution.
The past decade has seen Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) emerge as a major alternative to coal and oil for power generation, as it is easily transported in specialized ships; and burns with up to 60% less Carbon Dioxide.
The Australian LNG industry has seen huge growth in recent years, with some estimates of over A $200 billion being invested in multiple mega projects. This includes three projects in Gladstone in Queensland that are the first in the world to produce LNG from Coal Seam Gas.

In June 2015, Aspermont Ltd approached Business Maps Australia to create a map of the East Asian area that would encompass and display the key information of the LNG industry, along with Australia's involvement. The brief from Aspermont was for the creation of the most comprehensive map and LNG data list practically possible by the end of 2015, with the aim of producing a high quality visual representation of the area and the industry. Business Maps Australia spent several months researching the industry and it’s infrastructure in the region, drawing data from a wide variety of primary sources and company websites, and the result is the..
Asia West Pacific LNG Terminals Map

This map provides a comprehensive coverage of the spread of the LNG industry across Asia, and is designed to provide both a regional and global context for the industry's growing importance to this region...
Many billions of dollars have been and are being spent across the region; huge sums invested in mega projects in Australia and southern Asia to produce large tonnages of LNG to take advantage of the increasing market.
Aspermont Ltd and Business Maps Australia will be releasing the first publication of the Asia West Pacific LNG Terminals map at the Australian Oil and Gas Conference starting in Perth on February 24th.
The publication consists of a fully detailed political regional map stretching from Western India across the northern reaches of Australia, and north into Asia through Japan and into eastern Russia. The data is a comprehensive display of LNG projects that are planned, under construction or presently operational. The mega projects of Northern Australia including the North West Shelf and Pluto; the giant Gorgon and Wheatstone facilities; the huge Coal Seam Gas-LNG plants on Curtis Island at Gladstone in Queensland. Shell Oil's giant Prelude floating LNG project, and the two smaller but important FLNG projects soon to be in operation off Sarawak in Malaysia are all notated..

Over 100 plants and projects are displayed in the data list, and where possible the companies involved are also listed. The map legend displays the facilities as either planned or operational; plants are listed by type ( i.e. production or receiving / FPSO / FLNG.). Where feasible, the Asian terminals that receive Australian produced LNG are displayed, and the contract buyers for each Australian project are listed.
With China having a five year goal to increase their LNG energy useage from 6% of total consumption to 10 % by 2020; the issue of heavy pollution across many cities, and Australia looking to be exporting over 60 million tons per year of LNG by 2018, this map will be of keen interest to all in or associated with any part of the energy industry.
Business Maps Australia will be producing the Asia West Pacific LNG map in several stock sizes, and is available to customize both versions of the map to suit any client needs, in terms of company promotion or visual displays for internal useage.
For more information on the Aspermont LNG map, or the Business Maps Australia Large format versions, please contact Lucy Parker on 6263 9100, or Steven Randall on 0455 296 533, or email